(301) 791-3132
34 South Potomac Street, Suite 100, Hagerstown, MD 21740
Tues-Fri: 11am-7pm   Sat: 10am -6pm or by Appt   Sun-Mon: closed

The Artist Journey presented by Washington County Arts Council

Artist Journey

Showcasing The Gallery Shop artists
of the Washington County Arts Council!

Click a red name to see that artist's graphic.

Ambrosi, Dominic

Amt, Emilie

Anikis, George

Atherton, Jill

Avila, Jennie

Baer, Jannon

Bain, Kim

Baker, Tamela

Banner Redding, Nancy

Baumgardner, Mary Alice

Bockmiller, Stephen

Boor, Joan

Brindle, Terry

Browning, Matt

Callaham, Art

Carey, Beth

Carney, Susan

Christian, Deborah

Copanzzi, Georgina

Croft, Bobby

Crum, Mary

Davis, Janine

East, Jessica

Einfalt, Stacy

Ferguson, Jacqueline

Fite, Ginny

Fleming, Leigh

Garland, Cynthia

Gaver, Julie

Geary Mullendore, Jami

Gingrich, Charlene

Gladhill, Deborah

Gladwell, Penelope

Gottesthal, Hilmar

Gouker, Michael

Graham, Dusty
  Grandinett, Harry

Hall, Pamela

Hammond, Deborah

Hansen-Wiebel, Kathleen

Hergenroeder, William

Heyser, Michael

Hoffman-Bolton, Judy

Holden Hammond, Ashley

Hoopengardner, Doris

Housel, Donna Whitford

Hugg, Jeanne

Hykes, Kim

James, Sue

Jantzen, Paul

Joy, Donna

Kamas, Mary Anne

Kemp, Joslyn

Knobel-Besa, Penny

Kuhn, John

Kwiatkowski, Michelle

Lane, Madelyn

Lavenant-Wink, Amélie

Lennox, Holly

Lobley, Jim

Lohr, E.M.

Lohr, Wendy

Lourie, Ira

Mader, Barbara

Maher, Kathleen

Malott, Melinda

Martin, Dirk

Mason, Donna

McCray, Missy
  McDonald, Philip P.

McElwee, Todd

Melby-Robinson, Judy

Mendez, Jonna

Millar, Cam

Miller, Amanda

Mittleman, Miranda

Morgan, Betty

Moltrup, Janie

Moulin, Doina

Mowbray, Candice

Mullican, John Neal

Murphy, Daniel Paul

Murray, Robert C.

Near, Denise Sullivan

O'Brien, Denise

O'Farrell, Steven P.

Pedersen, Linda

Poole, Annamarie

Postalwait, Kenneth

Powers, Ronald

Rada, Jr., James

Ramsburg, Calvin Edward

Randlev, Karen

Rankin, Sukey

Redding, Cookie

Reis, Richard & Debra

Renner, Peni

Renner, Tom

Roberts, William

Robinson, Patricia

Rowland, Tim

Saunders, Robert

Schmidt, John
  Schwenk, Mark

Scott, Graycen

Selby, Joan

Serra, Nicole

Shingler, Chris

Slaby, Scot

Smith, Tozanee'

Snyder, James R.

Stark, Rachel

Stover, Robert

Subetto, Deborah

Thompson, Kendi

Toothman, Katie

Tressler, Marjorie

Tsiatsos, Alex

Twigg, Nathan

Vega, Luis

Viar, Don

Vohn, Tabitha

Warrenfeltz, Debra

Waters, Lloyd "Pete"

Webber, Danny

Weiss, Barby

White, Carol

Whitley, Gloria Rae

Wiebe, Dianne

Wilder, Bruce

Wilson, Veronica

Wright, Stephen

Yaukey, Margaret

Young, Marlene

Youngblood, Mark

Younker, Morgan

Zahniser, Ed

Supported in part by:

The Washington County Arts Council, Inc. is funded by an operating grant from the Maryland State Arts Council, (MSAC), an agency dedicated to cultivating a vibrant cultural community where the arts thrive. An agency of the Department of Business & Economic Development, the MSAC provides financial support and technical assistance to nonprofit organizations, units of government, colleges and universities for arts activities. Funding for the MSAC is also provided by the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency, which believes that a great nation deserves great art. Additional funding is also provided by Washington County Government and generous businesses, organizations and individuals.

The Washington County Arts Council is a proud member of County Arts Agencies of Maryland, Maryland Citizens for the Arts and Americans for the Arts.