(301) 791-3132
34 South Potomac Street, Suite 100, Hagerstown, MD 21740
Tues-Fri: 11am-7pm   Sat: 10am -6pm or by Appt   Sun-Mon: closed

Artist Registry: Visual Arts

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On Registry Since 2018
Mason, Angie

929 Hamilton Blvd
Hagerstown, MD 21742
P: 301-992-7004
Website: https://youtube.com/c/AngieMasonFluidArt
Email: angela.mason1231@yahoo.com

On Registry Since 2011
Mason, Donna

12919 Little Hayden Circle
Hagerstown, MD 21742
P: 301-791-6719
Email: donnamasonart@yahoo.com

On Registry Since 2023
Matsumoto, Ryota

92 W Washington St
Hagerstown, MD 21740
P: (301) 791-9657
Website: https://www.ryotamatsumotostudio.com
Email: inforyotamatsumoto@gmail.com

On Registry Since 2018
Mayer, Joyce C

19428 Garretts Mill Rd
Knoxville, MD 21758-1110
P: 3013259640
Website: https://www.artsyshark.com/2024/03/11/featured-artist-joyce-mayer/
Email: Joelmay@myactv.net

On Registry Since 2013
Maynard, Julie

1220 Marker Road
Middletown, MD 21769
P: 301-834-7722
Website: http://www.juliemaynard.com
Email: juliemayn@gmail.com

On Registry Since 2016
Mazzone, Peter

3141 Church Road
Chambersburg, PA 17202
P: 717 491 0296
Website: http://petemazzone.weebly.com/
Email: petemazzone17@gmail.com

On Registry Since 2021
McClain, Debra

811 Guilford Avenue
Hagerstown, MD 21740
P: (240) 382-8502
Website: http://www.djswatercolor.com
Email: djswatercolor@gmail.com

On Registry Since 2023
McCormick, Catherine

118 Colton Ct
Smithsburg, MD 21783
P: (717) 579-0937
Website: https://www.cmccormickstudios.com/
Email: cathie.mcc@gmail.com

On Registry Since 2021
McCreadie, Naomi

19917 Ashfield Court
Hagestown, MD 21742
P: (301) 338-4333
Website: http://www.nmccreadiephotography.com
Email: naomimccreadie@outlook.com

On Registry Since 2016
McDonald, Philip

349 Old Waynesboro Rd.
Fairfield, PA 17320
P: 717-642-8122
Website: http://www.gallowglassprints.com
Email: phil_mcdonald@yahoo.com

On Registry Since 2018
McMaster, Caroline

Potomac Street
Hagerstown, MD 21740
P: 1(240) 675-5420
Email: cmcmaster@hagerstownmd.org

On Registry Since 2012
Medina, Michelle

23440 Whitetail Rd
Smithsburg, MD 21783
P: 301-660-0844
Email: doesshelikeido@yahoo.com

On Registry Since 2021
Melby-Robinson, Judy

19630 Cool Hollow Rd
Hagerstown, MD 21740
P: (301) 491-1515
Email: nagsheader123@gmail.com

On Registry Since 2013
Mele, Kellie

1451 Lear Rd
Harrisonville, PA 17228
P: 717-485-4572
Website: http://meleart.weebly.com
Email: kelliebmarz@hotmail.com

On Registry Since 2017
Michaels, Pamela

17820 Sherman Ave.
Hagerstown, MD 21740
P: 2403056106
Email: michaels.pamela@yahoo.com

On Registry Since 2015
Miller, Kate

Oak Hill Ave
Hagerstown, MD 21740
P: 301 222-2222
Website: http://katemiller.faso.com
Email: kdymillz@gmail.com

On Registry Since 2011
Mitchell, Donna

1210 Stratford Drive
Carlisle, PA 17013
P: 717-258-0459
Website: http://www.DonnaMitchellPastels.com
Email: Donnakart@aol.com

On Registry Since 2011
Mullican, John Neal

4908 General Gordon Circle
Sharpsburg, MD 21782
P: 3014327777
Website: http://www.JohnNealMullicanArt.com
Email: johnnmullican@gmail.com

On Registry Since 2013
Myers, Rebecca

137 Park Place West
Shippensburg, PA 17257
P: 717 532-3940
Website: http://www.rebmyersart.com
Email: bmyers137@live.com

On Registry Since 2021
Nadzady, Joe

10244 Lindale Ave.
Greencastle, PA 17225
P: (301) 524-1368
Website: https://jnadzadyart.wixsite.com/jnadzadyart
Email: jnadzadystudio@gmail.com

On Registry Since 2022
Neubauer, Keely

11211 Kemps Mill Road
Williamsport, MD 21795
P: (240) 513-9698
Email: keely.neubauer@protonmail.com

On Registry Since 2019
Pace, Andre

6006 W. Oregon Ave.aptA
Glendale, AZ 85301
P: 623-850-6361
Website: http://www.artsy.net/AndrePace
Email: andrepace057@gmail.com

On Registry Since 2011
Parker, Susan

460 Mason Road
Hedgesville, WV 25427
P: 304-258-4046
Email: susanparker@frontier.com

On Registry Since 2016
Perry, Patricia

2367 Warm Springs Road
Shenandoah Junction, WV 25442
P: 304-876-3960
Website: http://www.pxpART@gmail.com
Email: pxpART@gmail.com

On Registry Since 2015
Plucinski, Anna

358 Cosell Drive
Chambersburg, PA 17201
P: 717 860 9235
Website: http://annaplucinski.weebly.com/
Email: a.a.plucinski@gmail.com

On Registry Since 2016
Raza, Hyder

6809 Buttermere La
Bethesda, MD 20817
P: 530-02226
Email: chess316@aol.com

On Registry Since 2020
Redmond, Margaret

11601 Ziegler Rd SE
Hancock, MD 21750
P: (301) 478-3200
Email: sailwych@hughes.net

On Registry Since 2011
Reed, Tracy Tousignaut

19410 Elk Ridge Drive
Keedysville, MD 21756
P: 301-432-4132
Website: http://www.ttrphotographics.com
Email: ttrphotographics@yahoo.com

On Registry Since 2017
Reeves, Melissa

515 Surrey Avenue, Apt 2D
Hagerstown, MD 21740
P: 3018765767
Website: http://melissareeves.us
Email: melissadayreeves@gmail.com

On Registry Since 2014
Richon, Abigail

442 Summit Ave
Hagerstown, MD 21740
P: 301-639-4383
Website: http://www.abi-donfineart.com
Email: abigail@abi-donfineart.com

Supported in part by:

The Washington County Arts Council, Inc. is funded by an operating grant from the Maryland State Arts Council, (MSAC), an agency dedicated to cultivating a vibrant cultural community where the arts thrive. An agency of the Department of Business & Economic Development, the MSAC provides financial support and technical assistance to nonprofit organizations, units of government, colleges and universities for arts activities. Funding for the MSAC is also provided by the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency, which believes that a great nation deserves great art. Additional funding is also provided by Washington County Government and generous businesses, organizations and individuals.

The Washington County Arts Council is a proud member of County Arts Agencies of Maryland, Maryland Citizens for the Arts and Americans for the Arts.