Hagerstown received a special recognition that will create new opportunities for downtown development and revitalization. We became a Main Street Maryland community! On Thursday, October 30th, 2015 at 2:00 p.m., Mayor Dave Gysberts joined Acting Secretary of Maryland's Department of Housing and Community Development, Clarence J. Snuggs, to make the designation official in Public Square. We would like you to be part of this exciting step for our community, and join us in building the momentum! What does it mean for Hagerstown? A Main Street designation is a nationally-recognized symbol, indicating that the community cares about their downtown, and that grass-roots promotions and events, unique business incentive programs and community pride are all important. The dedicated staff of the City, partner organizations and volunteers will unite under the Main Street banner and organize our Main Street efforts into five action-oriented committees. The committee structure is a proven strategy to collaborate efforts while increasing efficiency and effectiveness. Simply put: everyone puts their oar in the water and rows with the same rhythm. The five committees include:
- Design which enhances the physical appearance of the commercial district by rehabilitating historic buildings, encouraging supportive new construction, developing sensitive design management systems, and long-term planning;
- Organization which seeks to build consensus and cooperation among the many groups and individuals who have a role in the revitalization process;
- Promotion which supports marketing the traditional commercial district's assets to customers, potential investors, new businesses, local citizens and visitors;
- Economic Restructuring to strengthen the district's existing economic base while finding ways to expand it to meet new opportunities and challenges from outlying development; and
- Clean, Safe, and Green through which community leaders form "green teams" to promote beautification, water and energy conservation, and other sustainable development practices.
In addition, Hagerstown will have higher priority with other Main Street Maryland communities to receive State funding and other resources. Main Street businesses will also have access to technical assistance, training and support from the network of Main Street communities across the state and the nation. How can I help? First off, help us build the buzz! Help us grow the momentum of support - bring your friends! Secondly, be part of our Main Street efforts. Go to hagerstownmainstreet.com, learn more and sign up. You can also find us on Facebook!

Look for more Main Street Hagerstown announcements and initiatives coming soon!
