(301) 791-3132
34 South Potomac Street, Suite 100, Hagerstown, MD 21740
Tues-Fri: 11am-7pm   Sat: 10am -6pm or by Appt   Sun-Mon: closed

Summer Camps: Special Needs

Special Needs Summer Camps

Asperger's & Autism
  Disabilities & Special Needs
  Social & Learning
Camp Aristotle
(Asperger's Syndrome, high-functioning Autism, anxiety-related disorders, ADHD, & More)

Imagine Wellness (Autism)


Access to Nature (Disabilities)

(Speech & Motor Development)

Camp Ezri
(At-Risk Kids)

Camp Fantastic
(Kids with Cancer)

Camp Inclusion
(Disabilities & Special Needs)

STAR Equestrian Center (Disabilities)

Easter Seals Camp Fairlee
(Disabilities & Special Needs)

Easter Seals Camp Lily
(Disabillities & Special Needs)

Greenwell Foundation

Jewish Abilities Alliance KLAL

The League at Camp Greentop
(Physical, Emotional, Cognitive, & Multiple Disabilities)

MOCO Movement Center
(Disabilities & Special Needs)

Camp Pinehurst
(Special Needs)

Washington County Recreation (WCR)
WCR WebTrac (Physical & Intellectual Disabilities)

Camp Abilities
(Visually Impaired)

Bridging Hands
(Hearing Impaired)

Deaf Camps, Inc.

Camp Invention
(Hearing Impaired using ASL)

(Hearing Impaired using ASL)

New Spire Arts
(Deaf Performing Arts)

The Odyssey School

Summer Sensations
(Sensory Processing Challenged)

West River
(Hearing Impaired using ASL)

Camp Aristotle
(Asperger's Syndrome, high-functioning Autism, anxiety-related disorders, ADHD, & More)

Camp Attaway
(Emotional & Behavioral Disorders)

Baltimore Lab School
(Learning Disabilities)

Barstow Acres Children's Center
(Socio-Emotional Issues)

Brendan Sailing
(Learning Differences)

Cisco Center
(Socialization & Communication Skills)

Fitness for Health
(Social Team Building)

Camp Inclusion
(Social interaction between campers and their non-disabled peers through sports and games)

KTS Therapeutic
June 26 - August 18
CALL: (240) 469-4360

The League at Camp Greentop
(Physical, Emotional, Cognitive, & Multiple Disabilities)

Social Beginnings

Camp Summit
(Learning Challenged)

Washington County Recreation (WCR)
WCR WebTrac (Physical & Intellectual Disabilities)

SEARCH FOR SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPS: https://www.veryspecialcamps.com/

Share WCAC's listing of Special Needs Summer Camps on Facebook:

Supported in part by:

The Washington County Arts Council, Inc. is funded by an operating grant from the Maryland State Arts Council, (MSAC), an agency dedicated to cultivating a vibrant cultural community where the arts thrive. An agency of the Department of Business & Economic Development, the MSAC provides financial support and technical assistance to nonprofit organizations, units of government, colleges and universities for arts activities. Funding for the MSAC is also provided by the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency, which believes that a great nation deserves great art. Additional funding is also provided by Washington County Government and generous businesses, organizations and individuals.

The Washington County Arts Council is a proud member of County Arts Agencies of Maryland, Maryland Citizens for the Arts and Americans for the Arts.